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Who are the Dragon Valley Staff?

Who are we?

The main faces that you'll see are Jeff (Kalon), Olly (Firkit) and Russ (Russ). We’re the core staff who help organise everyone, and generally devise and run the events.

Our first site was West Aberthaw Boys Village, near Barry, South Wales, and slowly but surely we built up a group of friendly and fun regular gamers. In the summer of 2002 we found ourselves temporarily homeless until we secured use of our current site at RAF Caerwent.

Our ethos is that gaming should be innovative and fun. To that extent, our gaming days are based around storylines that develop over the course of the day. We also run unique events, such as gaming based in unusual periods of history, role-play events and anything else that grabs our interest.

Who does what?

Name (aka...) Role Photo


1968 - 2007


One of DV's founders, sadly Brian passed away in May 2007. Gone but never forgotten. Brian


First Aid Trained

Site owner - In overall charge of the site on game days - Jeff has the last word. Builder of many of the towers, bunkers and other non-brick structures. Jeff makes the toys and props you see at DV.


First Aid Trained

Head marshal - Responsible for ensuring that everything is running as it should be. From producing games to making sure that players get out to chrono, to trying to force the last stragglers out of the safe zone between games. Also runs the Dragon Valley website, forums and Facebook page and is the person you will be speaking to if you need to phone us. Contact Olly about any booking, membership or general queries. Oll


Head marshal - Responsible for ensuring that everything is running as it should be. From producing games to making sure that players get out to chrono, to trying to force the last stragglers out of the safe zone between games. Russ is responsible for sorting out rental kit and briefing new players. Russ


First Aid Trained

Marshal and Advanced First Aider

Marshal Team 1:

Name (aka...) Role Photo

Chris (Deadeye)

First Aid Trained

Marshal Deadeye

Andy J (Couger)

First Aid Trained

Marshal Couger
Nav Marshal


Daryl (Lawman) Marshal

Marshal Team 2:

Name (aka...) Role Photo

Owain (Owster)

First Aid Trained

Marshal Owain

Matt (Hunter92)

Marshal Matt


Marshal Steve


Marshal Lynchie


First Aid Trained

Marshal and advanced first aider Coops

Marshal Team 3:

Name (aka...) Role Photo
Luke (Cat182) Marshal Luke

Chris N

First Aid Trained


Safe Zone Team:

Name (aka...) Role Photo

Neil (Darkstar)

First Aid Trained

Marshal - Need ammo, pyro, gas or just about anything else? Find Neil in the Safe Zone and you're all set. Neil
Marshal and repairs tech Awaiting Photo

Floating Marshals - not attached to a specific team:

Name (aka...) Role Photo

Wayne (Twom)

First Aid Trained

Marshal Twom


Marshal Mike
Marshal G-Man

Marshals currently not in rotation:

Name (aka...) Role Photo


First Aid Trained

Health and safety officer & marshal Kath
(GI Jim)
Marshal Jim
Marshal - Talk to Andy if you want your AEG or mask custom painted. Andy


Marshal Welshie
(Lord Krell)
Marshal Krell


First Aid Trained

Marshal Dom


1998 - 2011


Four-legged marshal - Responsible for ensuring that nobody is allowed to finish an entire burger, hot dog or bacon roll on their own.

Sadly, Kes passed away in February 2011
